Alterations to External Walls
Policy EM1 - Extensions and Alterations Policy
The original building materials of Welwyn Garden City define neighbourhoods and character areas of the town. Homes were designed to be grouped where distinct materials were used in creating this cohesion.
Applications to alter external walls will only be considered where it can be demonstrated that the change of external materials would have a beneficial impact on the property and wider amenities or values of the area.
Existing exposed brickwork should not be painted or rendered unless it can be clearly demonstrated that this would not harm the values and amenities of the property or the immediate area.
Should existing brickwork be replaced, bricks joints and mortar should match the original brickwork as closely as possible, including the design and layout of brick work (for example Flemish bond).
Maintaining or repainting an existing property within the Estate Management area should be done to reflect existing original colours. If the original colour cannot be identified, finishes should be selected that respond to the wider street scene or group of houses the property may be within.
Please refer to external wall insulation for guidance on cladding of existing properties.
Page updated: 8/04/2019