
Policy EM1 - Extensions and Alterations Policy

Typically properties within the Garden City where designed without basements. Despite the principle of basements not been visible from the externals of a property it is deemed that the creation of a basement can still have a negative impact on the character through the accommodation of additional elements associated with basements, such as skylights, light wells and additional access. The creation of basements can also have negative effects to the existing landscape such as existing trees and hedgerows.

Should you be looking to submit an application for a basement it is advised that these principles are followed:

  • The creation of the basement should be discreet and have little or no impact on the setting or garden.
  • Basements should typically be limited to the footprint of the original home. (Detached homes set within large gardens may have flexibility in extending further than the existing properties footprint.)
  • External alterations to draw light into a basement will only be acceptable should it be demonstrated there will be limited impact on the appearance and character of the Garden City home. Typically this would be acceptable in the form of grills and structural glass. Light wells may be acceptable should they be of a moderate size, screened and positioned away from the street scene.
  • Method statements and surveys where appropriate, should accompany the application to demonstrate how the works will be undertaken and that surrounding existing trees and hedgerows will not be affected or disturbed during construction.
  • Basements can be designed to accommodate car parking. The impacts of these proposals would typically be deemed unacceptable within Welwyn Garden City due to the associated infrastructure including access and increased hardstanding.

Page updated: 8/04/2019

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