Subdivision of Dwellings & House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Applications
Policy EM1 - Extensions and Alterations Policy
Plot splits to an existing leased dwelling will require separate approval under the terms of your lease. The following guidance is applicable to both freehold and leasehold properties.
Subject to approval, the following design principles should be followed when applying for Estate Management consent.
- The external character of the property should not be detrimental to the character and appearance of the property or the street scene. It is appreciated both external doors and window arrangements to the front and side of the property may be undertaken to accommodate internal alterations. These could be deemed acceptable should the application demonstrate the character of the property and streetscene would not be altered. Refer to fenestration section.
- Parking and hardstanding guidance will need to adhere with regards to the balance of hard and soft landscaping.
- Due to the contribution garden sizes hold on the Garden City it would not be favoured that gardens are split to accommodate the subdivision of the property. It is encouraged shared space is the most appropriate approach. Garden splits would only be considered where it can be demonstrated the impact would not have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the street scene, wider amenities or values of the area.
Page updated: 29/04/2019