Guttering, Pipes and Hopper Heads
Policy EM1 - Extensions and Alterations Policy
The architecture and character of residential properties within Welwyn Garden City are generally defined as modest and well-designed. The design, material and location of the guttering and down pipes are an intrinsic element of this character. The retention of these characteristics is important for both the individual property and groups of houses and streets. Any changes to the guttering should follow the following criteria:
- The typical approach to guttering, soil and vent pipes as well as downpipes was that of a contrasting colour; typically a black finish.
- Replacement of cast iron guttering and downpipes is encouraged as part of applications. Alternatively uPVC cast iron replicas may also be considered.
- Original hopper heads should be retained or restored where possible.
- Replacement works should carefully match that of the existing pipe and gutter locations, retaining the original colour.
- New soil and downpipes should be avoided from the front of Garden City homes or other clearly visible public vantage points.
Page updated: 8/04/2019