External Doors

Policy EM1 - Extensions and Alterations Policy

Architectural features and detailing contribute to the diverse range in buildings and character areas within Welwyn Garden City. External doors are key architectural features which reinforce the properties identity.

Protecting and repairing existing architectural features or replacing with like for like designs helps to preserve the architectural character within Welwyn Garden City. The following guidance should be followed when assessing a project and submitting an application:

  • Particular attention will be paid to elevations which are visible from the street or surrounding public vantage points.
  • Doors and door frames that are to be replaced should reflect and respect the design and appearance of the original doors of the property. Should the original doors not be identified then the style should be in keeping with the wider street scene and surrounding properties.
  • Door positions on the existing elevation should be maintained to relate to the original design. Those proposed within an extension of an Estate Management property should make reference to the original layout and orientation of the Garden City home.
  • Materials should in principle match that of the original design; both uPVC and composite doors and frames may be acceptable where it can be demonstrated that the proportions and appearance can respect those of the original design of the door.
  • The finish of the proposed external door and door frame should be a single colour, which refers back to the original door’s design, typically a white finish. Information/proof would be required where this is not white. Any change in colour or appearance to an existing retained door will require consent.
  • French windows/doors will only be acceptable where they reflect the casement modules of the original windows. This type of external doors will have a more relaxed assessment when positioned to the rear of a property and out of sight of public vantage points.
  • Bi-folding doors will generally be accepted where these are positioned to the rear of a property and not visible from the streetscene or surrounding public vantage points.

Page updated: 29/04/2019

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