Porches to Main Entrances

Policy EM1 - Extensions and Alterations Policy

Adding a porch feature can both enhance and detract from a property depending on the quality of design and response to a home. The porch structure itself can detract from the architectural value of the original home and alter the relationship within a group of houses having a detrimental impact on the values and amenities of the property and street scene. 

Unless a porch forms part of the original architectural detailing of the property, then they will generally be resisted due to the serious detrimental impact they could have to the appearance and character of the property and the values and amenities of the wider street scene.

In circumstances when a porch is found to be acceptable, it is important that the design, scale, material and colour selection are consistent with the character of the original house and street.  A good design will marry with the home ensuring high quality design and finish.

When submitting a porch application, the following principles will be assessed:

  • A proposed porch should demonstrate it would have no detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the street or affect the character of the Garden City home, including its size, design and architectural detailing.
  • A replacement porch should replicate the size, style, material and detail of the existing feature.
  • The porch must be designed with a flat roof and continue the height of any original single storey elements to the front of the property unless exceptional circumstances indicate otherwise
  • A proposed porch should not unbalance the symmetry of an existing row or group of houses. Disrupting the coherence of a group of terrace or semidetached houses can create an unsightly and unduly prominent form of development.
  • Proposals must ensure that there they do not cause loss of day/sun/sky light or be unduly dominant from adjoining properties as a result of their overall scale and size.
  • Proposals must respect proximity of boundaries and impacts to neighbouring properties including privacy.

The removal of a porch feature can also have a negative effect on the character of a property or street scene. Removal of such features would require Estate Management consent and would not normally be supported unless it can be demonstrated that the entrance is not a prominent feature of the original design of the property and that the proposed alteration would not have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the street scene, the wider amenities and values of the area.

Page updated: 9/04/2019

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